Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Negative Organizational News

Hello Everyone,
Thank you for ongoing efforts to make XtremePlus a leader in extreme-sports products. Today I am writing to inform you about the decision top executives at XtremityPlus have reached to terminate the Looney Launch. My fears about the Looney Launch safety were just confirmed when I was notified of the first lawsuit by a parent whose child broke several bones after crash-landing off a Looney launch.Simply, the company cannot afford the risk of additional lawsuits. I would like you to be prepared for some negative feedback from some of our enthusiastic customers and retailers.  In addition, even to XtremityPlus standards we were pushing the envelope a little bit too far. Although the Looney launch comes plastered with warning labels indicating that its use is inherently dangerous, the product is simply too dangerous to sell in good conscience.

I understand that we have all worked hard to making the Looney Launch possible, and I also know that people will still buy it, but the decision to remove it from the market is best both for the survival of our company and the benefit of society. A lot of you worked hard in designing, manufacturing and marketing the Looney Launch, and don’t want your hard work to be ignored. I want you to continue your dedication and love for your jobs to come up with a better and safer alternative that will demonstrate to our customers and retailers that we care about them and we will always make sure that we have them in our mind. That being said, XtremityPlus simply cannot afford to have lawsuit against it if we want to stay in business. So, we have notified all of our retail partners to explain to them why we are removing the Looney launch from the market and our product line. Moreover, we will contact all the customers who have already purchased the Looney Launch and inform them that they can get a full refund if they bring back the Looney Launch by the end of the month. If someone wants to keep it we will no longer be liable for any damages.
I will see you all in our next company meeting at the end of the month. We will discuss the progress of handling the removal of the Looney Launch. I am looking forward to seeing you all. 

Maneef Hassan


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Secrets To Overcoming Anxiety in Public Speaking

Presenting to a large group of people is very challenging, and overcoming some of these challenges a few tricks can help. We all have had an experience where everything just went blank. What do we need to do to avoid such embarrassing episodes? Following the three step writing process to complete your presentation can be very helpful. You may have a great presentation put together, however if you can't deliver it adequately, you can lose your audience. So, in order to prepare you to speak, visit the venue where you will do your presentation and familiarize yourself with the facilities and the equipment to be used.
What do you need to do to feel more confident in front of an audience and to overcome anxiety. Probably the best thing you can bet on is preparation and practice. Following these simple steps will help become a more confident speaker.
-Prepare more materials than necessary. knowing more about your topic will reduce anxiety.
-Practice, practice, practice. With enough practice you will feel less panic.
-Visulalize your success. Visulalize yourself in front of the audience by frrling confident, prepared, and being ready to handle any situation that might arise.
-Take a few deep breaths. Do something that makes feel happy, and remember the audience wants you to succeed too.
-Be Ready. Try to memorize opening and closing statements as well as quotes.
-Be comfortable. Do dress appropriately for the situation, be well hydrated.
-Don't panic. If you start to feel your heart is racing, pause , and take some deep breaths.
-Concentrate on your message and the audience. If you do that you tend to to forget about your fears
-Eye contact. Do maintain eye contact with your audience. Find a friendly audience member and connect with them.
-Keep going. Don't stop, things get better as you go on, building your confidence with it.
-Record yourself with a video camera and then watch it. See what you did wrong and correct it, and what you did right and improve on it.
-Check Youtube videos on tips.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Using Technology in Creating REPORTS AND PROPOSALS

Communication differs in today's corporate cultures. It is very important to know how to communicate in one's organization. To be an effective communicator, you need to be able to persuade people, both higher and lower. To do that, you need to be able to write good reports and proposals. As in writing any form of business letter, o messages, you can employ the three steps writing process to write effective reports and proposals. You need o adopt to your audience needs in writing reports and proposals, by using the "you" attitude, emphasizing the positive, and using bias-free language. Writing reports is no easy matter, you need to include accurate information, include all necessary information, present all sides of an argument, be clear and logical, and give credit where it is due.
Technology today has given us easier ways to do things, and writing is certainly one of them. You can use many great tools to compose reports and proposals. For instance, you can use templates, which can help you identify the specific sections required for each type of report. you can buy software wth many templates, or even download them from the internet. websites like this offer some free sample, http://www.businessballs.com/freeonlineresources.htm
Another great tool is electronic forms which are used for recurring forms such as sales reports, and compliance reports. In addition, electronic documents such as PDF or portable document format can be used to secure reports and proposals. It is a highly valuable tool in today's business world. Further, you can use multimedia documents to enhance your reports with videos clips, presentation slides, animation. We tend to use either Word or PowerPoint in creating our messages, but Microsoft's Producer is a great program that lets you compose a message using different variety of file types. Check the video below to learn a few things about Microsoft Producer