Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Negative Organizational News

Hello Everyone,
Thank you for ongoing efforts to make XtremePlus a leader in extreme-sports products. Today I am writing to inform you about the decision top executives at XtremityPlus have reached to terminate the Looney Launch. My fears about the Looney Launch safety were just confirmed when I was notified of the first lawsuit by a parent whose child broke several bones after crash-landing off a Looney launch.Simply, the company cannot afford the risk of additional lawsuits. I would like you to be prepared for some negative feedback from some of our enthusiastic customers and retailers.  In addition, even to XtremityPlus standards we were pushing the envelope a little bit too far. Although the Looney launch comes plastered with warning labels indicating that its use is inherently dangerous, the product is simply too dangerous to sell in good conscience.

I understand that we have all worked hard to making the Looney Launch possible, and I also know that people will still buy it, but the decision to remove it from the market is best both for the survival of our company and the benefit of society. A lot of you worked hard in designing, manufacturing and marketing the Looney Launch, and don’t want your hard work to be ignored. I want you to continue your dedication and love for your jobs to come up with a better and safer alternative that will demonstrate to our customers and retailers that we care about them and we will always make sure that we have them in our mind. That being said, XtremityPlus simply cannot afford to have lawsuit against it if we want to stay in business. So, we have notified all of our retail partners to explain to them why we are removing the Looney launch from the market and our product line. Moreover, we will contact all the customers who have already purchased the Looney Launch and inform them that they can get a full refund if they bring back the Looney Launch by the end of the month. If someone wants to keep it we will no longer be liable for any damages.
I will see you all in our next company meeting at the end of the month. We will discuss the progress of handling the removal of the Looney Launch. I am looking forward to seeing you all. 

Maneef Hassan


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